Saturday, October 12, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay -- Philosophy on Teaching Educational Es

Philosophy of Education My philosophy of education would include a classroom that supports creativity and gives students an opportunity to explore the world in the confines of four walls. Knowledge results from countless experiences and interactions throughout an individual’s lifetime. I believe the purpose of education is to allow students to discover who they are through exploring who has come before them, and what is possible for them in the future. Formal education should provide students with more than a foundation in basic disciplines. It should develop skills that will facilitate living and working in an ever-changing world; one filled with diversity. As a teacher, I would hope to illustrate to my students how vital each and every one of them is to the world as a whole. My classroom would be bright and colorful. Examples of students’ work would be displayed. The environment will be student centered. The desks would be arranged in a circle for class discussions, and be moved into separate stations for cooperative work. Computers would be stationed around the classroom and used frequently. Discovery based learning would be a major factor considered in the design of my classroom. Students will have the choice of using various resources and materials to suit their preferred style of learning. Some of us are listeners, readers, or just may simply need to get our hands dirty. An effective classroom teacher would be able to cater to all of these academic...

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